Summer 2024: e~Anam Càirdeas: an Evolving Enneagram Community for Spiritual Companions

A 9-week cohort for Enneagram-informed spiritual companions

$425 for 9-week cohort
$400 Early bird rate (apply before July 7th)
$375 Early early bird rate (before June 15th) 

9 Wednesdays, July 17 – Sept 11, 2024, 11:30am – 1:00pm CDT
Scholarships Available * Spaces limited 
Must apply to register
Apply NOW

Instructor: Rev. Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div.Language: English

About this Group

Anam Càirdeas is a Gaelic term for “soul friendship” that reaches beyond the notion of individual friendship to the richness of soul that can be nurtured within the context of sacred community.

This summer, Evolving Enneagram Founder Rev. Nhien will be hosting a private community of enneagram-informed soul guides and spiritual companions (broadly construed to include pastors, spiritual directors, and spiritually-based therapists and mentors).

This will be a safe, confidential group where those of who spiritually support others can nurture your minds, hearts, and souls and find guidance and support for your journey from Rev. Nhien as well as the wellspring of a conscious community of Enneagram professionals that spans the divides of nationality, gender, race, and religious/spiritual background.

Get hands on support via nine 90-minute small-group live spiritual mentoring sessions with Evolving Enneagram Founder Rev. Nhien.

Dates/times of live sessions: 9 Wednesdays, July 17 – Sept 11, 11:30am – 1:00pm CDT. 

Content of live sessions: Mentoring will involve somatic inquiry work, Enneagram teaching, and spiritual counseling as appropriate. Bring to group both your celebrations and joys as well as the issues that are keeping you from expressing your highest self.

Cultivate spaciousness and grounded presence through diverse guided contemplative practices including introduction to Somatic Enneagram™ practices.

Reap the gifts of a diverse, inclusive, international, and inter-spiritual community of spiritual companions (including pastors, spiritual counselors, conscious leaders, spiritual directors, soul guides, etc.) that is also a small enough group to offer a space for depth and intimacy. Group size: Min 8 and max 15

This group is a place to explore the topics most important to, and alive for, you today. Possible topics include but are not limited to Ennea-Type bias, inter-spirituality, sexuality or gender, inclusivity, and prosperity, among others.

Gain access to a private moderated online community forum for asking questions in between group meetings, cultivated soul friendships, offering peer support, networking, sharing resources, and building your referral base. 

Tuition is $425 for the entire 9-week session.
Early early bird rate = $375 (apply by June 15th).
Early bird rate = $400 (apply by July 7th)

A limited no. of scholarships are available upon request. Please fill out the appropriate sections in your application form. If you wish to support our scholarship fund, please let us know in the application form for this group as well! Contributions such as yours help us to offer our program to individuals around the globe who might otherwise have no or limited access to these types of programs.

What we offer at Evolving Enneagram

Spirituality without dogma

This is a spiritual space without dogma. Enrich your spiritual journey through engaging with a compassion-based contemplative community of spiritual seekers from diverse religious, spiritual, and wisdom traditions around the globe.

Apply Enneagram wisdom teachings

We help you to better understand and apply the wisdom of the Enneagram to your soul journey. Discover how it is not merely a personality typing tool but a map for our individual and collective spiritual awakening.

International Community & Networking

Interact and network with like-minded folks from various backgrounds in exclusive chat groups.

Transformational Practices

More than information, you'll have opportunities to learn and practice contemplative and mindfulness practices that ignite transformation.

Get certified

Get ready! Evolving Enneagram is launching a contemplative Enneagram certification program in Winter 2024!


Nhien is uniquely sharp and compassionate as a person and a coach and her ability to connect with people seems effortless. The way she applies the enneagram framework together with a spiritual orientation to coaching – as a means for personal understanding and growth – feels like a rare gem.Every session has taught me something new and important about myself and how I show up in the world, and has given me concrete tools and practices through which to grow. I cannot recommend her enough (and continue to actually recommend her to anyone that would hear me).”

Dmitri Holtzman (NY, USA)

Nhien has a way of tapping into you and reflecting the unique wisdom you are and the wisdom you really are longing to hear. The first time I met Nhien, I immediately knew that she should be my new teacher. And the amazing part about her is that she is magnificent and larger than life on stage and yet very humble and present and there with you in her groups. Thus, it's difficult to ever feel alone in her group sessions. I have participated in numerous circles and spiritual groups, which all have their own way. The frame and the purpose in the Evolving Enneagram matches how I see Nhien integrate her lived life.

Annabella Al-Nafusi (DENMARK), former IEA Global Board Member

Nhien holds the space for each and everyone to be who they really are. I see authenticity, vulnerability whenever Nhien shares that really allows us all to be open. Anytime Nhien shares something personal or even gives us any teachings I feel spiritually rooted. Thank you Nhien for paving a road to wisdom and self-awareness in such a smooth subtle yet very deep way. Thank you for being you.

Ingy El Kably (EGYPT), Accredited Professional Enneagram Teacher & Life Coach

I have been studying the Enneagram for nearly 30 years. For the first time, I have found someone, Rev. Nhien, who has the unique ability, in her writing and teaching, to integrate the disciplines of spirituality, psychology, anthropology, theology, and the truths of the Enneagram into a beautiful and cohesive expression by which persons can be transformed. I am extremely thankful for Rev. Nhien. She is amazingly profound!

Pastor Jeff Gannon (KS, USA)
Senior Minister, Chapel Hill United Methodist Church

join our contemplative enneagram movement

There is a global awakening happening informed by the Enneagram as a map of consciousness and a mandala of wholeness, which spans the historic divides of race or religion. This group is here to support you in inhabiting and expressing your soul's authenticity and purpose within the larger circle of our universal belonging.

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